The movie might provide three laughs, but otherwise the biggest contribution “Are We Done Yet?” makes is giving viewers a dark, comfy place for a nap. Cube is relegated to playing straight man to both the kids and McGinley, who does a hyper twist on his “Scrubs” character. From Mexico and Canada to France and Kenya, Are We There Yet World Adventure reveals amazing sights and incredible experiences. There’s nothing likable about any of the characters. Take a tour of the world with real sister and brother duos who share their explorations through journal writing, travel logs and on-location chatter. A serious twist comes out of nowhere and adds even more intellectual torture. Are We There Yet: World Adventure, a 20072009 Canadian childrens travel television series.
It was followed by a 2007 sequel titled Are We Done Yet as well as an Are We There Yet TV series. Are We There Yet (TV series), an American sitcom based on the film. Then they add ridiculous touches like Nick’s discomfort with nature and his stressed-out approach to parenting. The film is actor/rapper Ice Cubes first PG-rated movie. Nick would be the butt of all jokes if the mean and painful things that happen to him could be considered jokes.ĭirector Steve Carr (”Rebound”) and screenwriter Hank Nelken (”Saving Silverman”) conspire to reprise every cliche from every home-improvement farce ever made. Nick keeps insisting he can do things himself Chuck keeps showing him up. Blandings Builds His Dream House,” “Are We Done Yet?” piles one unfunny situation onto another. Loosely based on the 1948 Cary Grant comedy “Mr. This, despite the fact that Nick has no journalism background, no help and no idea that magazines are a dying species.

It’s probably best not to try to assign logic here, especially since Nick has sold his thriving sports-memorabilia store and is pursuing his dream of running a sports magazine. If memory serves, Suzanne had a nice house in the first film, but movie logic requires that three people move into a fourth’s small flat rather than have one person move into a three-bedroom house. Ice Cube returns in “Are We Done Yet?” as Nick Persons, who has married Suzanne (Nia Long) and is living with her and her kids, Lindsey (Aleisha Allen) and Kevin (Philip Bolden), in his extremely cramped Portland, Ore., apartment. Well, free except for the deductible the parents have to pay after a trip to the emergency room.
There’s nothing on the screen for adults to enjoy, and any pleasure children glean from it could be gotten for free at home. “Are We Done Yet?” is billed as a family film, but it’s the kind of family film that kids will have to drag their parents to and will probably even have to buy the tickets. Is the movie over? How much is left? Can I stand any more of this misery? Those are all legitimate queries and ones that will occur to any thinking person who stumbles into this frantic sequel to “Are We There Yet?” ‘ARE we done yet?” is the question that will be on every adult’s mind as he or she watches “Are We Done Yet?”