On an iPád or iPhone, typé it in thé search bar ánd tap Find ón this page. Go to to see them, then type Ctrl F or Command F to find your name in the list.

Once I post a new video, any more comments on my older ones wont count towards anything, except for being nice -each vid oviously only counts toward one upanking -If I accidentally list your name twice, or you changed your name and the old and new one is listed, please inform me and I will fix it. You cannot gó back to pást videos to gét a higher ránk. PLEASE COMMENT ON THE ACTUAL VID That way I know who to upgrade, and who actually watched my video. Theres really no way of me telling if you did, but it helps me and it helps you. ID ALSO LlKE TO KN0W WHAT Y0U GUYS THINK 0F MY (possibly Iate) DISCOVERY Flyingwalking sidé to side Prétty cool, huh Lét me know.
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