So the b team and co go to deathscapes, the journey is mostly skipped. Memory travel happens and you are introduced to new religion, it’s irrelevant. I had a near perfect run through in my last save so I don’t wanna mess that up either by starting a new game. So while you are preparing for that, Manamana informs us that we should link up with the last b lister in the deathscapes.
But, I feel like I forgot a lot about the story and character developments. WHEN A NEW THREAT EMERGES ON PLANET VERSUS, YOU AND YOUR ALLIES ARE FORCED TO EXPLORE THE DREADED DEATHSCAPES TO SURVIVE. VERSUS: The Deathscapes for PC game reviews & Metacritic score: When a new threat emerges on planet Versus, you and your allies are forced to explore the dreaded Deathscapes to survive. MemoryTravel to new worlds and fight in the most epic battles Versus has ever seen. Hello So I just got Versus: The Deathscapes and remember really liking the last two and being excited for this one.
Versus: The Death Scapes is the long-awaited finale to The Versus Trilogy, which also answers ALL rising questions left lingering in the Choice of Games Sergiverse! Lose yourself in ten diverse romances, navigate the politics of three massive world orders and unlock dozens of alternate endings. But resistance cannot be undertaken, nor analysed in ways based on the usual, simplistic binaries: e.g., us versus them, online versus offline actions. VERSUS: The Deathscapes is a thrilling 200,000-word interactive novel by Zachary Sergi, author of our best-selling Heroes Rise series. Will you finally unlock all of the secrets regarding Versus? Will you complete your search to reawaken Dhanthik, The Lost Warrior? Will you find your path to being Reborn, or will you perish on Versus? How far will your eyes finally see? Unlock the secrets of the galaxy in the epic conclusion to the VERSUS Trilogy Take your place among the gods with the superpowers you’ve stolen from them. When a new threat emerges on planet Versus, you and your allies are forced to explore the dreaded Deathscapes to survive.